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If you have employees or have had employees you know they can make or break your business. This is especially true if they are the face of the business — sales reps or your receptionist or other office staff. In order to help your business thrive and keep your employees engaged and motivated you can coach employees to success and it’s a win-win for you and them.

Coach Employees To Success

Coaching is a different way in which to not only interact with your employees but to help them develop and grow into their full potential; when they do that, your business will be the beneficiary. If you’re like most employers, you meet with your employees quarterly or maybe only annually. You do a performance review, shake hands and you both go about your business until the next meeting. Do you discuss areas for improvement? Does your employee mention tht he or she would like to do more or learn more and ultimately earn more? Do you listen when they tell you that? How do you respond?

Here are some ways to not only review employee performance but to coach them to higher levels of success and productivity:

  1. Build a relationship in which they feel you trust them and that they can trust you to keep your word. If your employees don’t trust you, they will always be operating from a place of fear.
  2.  Have an open door policy. This is a way to let your employees know they don’t have to wait until a situation is ready to implode before they approach you. Start any conversation with an employee — especially a coaching session — in an open manner and without accusation or reprisal.
  3. Don’t leave the meeting until there is agreement between the two of you. Whether your coaching your employee into a different role within the business or whether you need to course correct, make certain you’re both on the same page. Make your employee feel comfortable enough to say, “I don’t agree” or “I don’t understand” or “How about we try it this way?”
  4. Look for alternative options. If you can’t come to an agreement, it may be time to look for alternatives. Whether you feel it’s time for you and the employee to part ways or whether you feel it’s a working relatioship that can be salvaged and further rapport built, the coaching sessions will allow you to make that decision. Ultimately, it’s what’s best for the health of your company, not personal feelings.
  5. At the end of the coaching session, put next steps into place and set deadlines. Set up metrics for success. Schedule your next meeting.

Do you coach your employees or do you dictate how things will work? If you aren’t certain how to begin a coaching program with your employees, reach out and let us know. We can help!