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How many blog posts have you written, or had written, for your blog? Are you seeing conversions from the blogging? Are your numbers going up and showing a higher time on site rank? Are readers clicking through, buying your project, reacting to your calls to action? We have tips on how to build an effective business blog — we have some things you should do, and mistakes to avoid.

Blogging isn’t a new-wave thing. Blogging is here to stay and can help amp up your authority in your business niche.

Here are blog steps to take:

  1. Post frequently and consistently. Choose how often you will post, and on which days, then stick with it.
  2. Use searchable headlines.
  3. Make sure you know what your keywords are and use them strategically. Don’t keyword stuff, but use those keywords and key phrases for which you want to rank and use them.
  4. Use images and graphics in your blog posts. Readers have short attention spans so use images to highlight the text and use bullet points, subheads and numbered lists to make the content skimmable.
  5. Proofread your content before it goes live.
  6. Share your content in your newsletter and on social media.

Here are blogging mistakes you will want to avoid.

  1. Not being consistent in your posting.
  2. Posting about topics that don’t relate to your business. Don’t jump on a trending topic if it has nothing to do with your business.
  3. Make sure your blog posts and your website are pleasing to the eye.
  4. Make sure your blog and website are mobile-friendly.
  5. Don’t write a blog post that is 2,000 words long if what you’re saying could be said in 300 words. A lengthy post is all right, if it sticks to topic and if it is all relevant information. Your blog post should be at least 300 words in order to rank on Google, though.

Give your blog posts a once over or ask a trusted colleague to look at them and see if you’re on topic, relevant, readable and are consistent enough in your posting.

If you’re not sure if your blog is doing the work for you that it should be, reach out to us and let’s talk blog and marketing strategy.