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Some people who are always late will laugh it off and say it’s just a personality quirk or that “they’d be late to their own funeral.” Why are you late? That is something you need to look at and explore within yourself. It’s not a quirk, it’s not something that others find amusing — it is in fact a rude way in which to interact.

Whether you’re going to a family event or a work meeting or even showing up at work, are you late more often than not? Let’s kick off 2020 with a plan to stop your tardy ways and be more on time.

Being punctual is something about which many people pride themselves. Being late is not something they would ever do. Yes, there are times when you just can’t avoid being late — there is an accident, or a fire or something beyond your control. More often than not, though, if you leave early you will arrive on time. If you know it will take thirty minutes to arrive somewhere — don’t leave at the thirty minute mark. Leave forty-five minutes before your appointment. Give yourself a cushion. Respect the time of others — that is the main point of this conversation.

Why are you late?

  • Does time truly get away from you?
  • Do you forget to write appointments down in your virtual or paper calendar?
  • Do you need to set a timer or alarm in order to get yourself to meetings on time?
  • Do you have an assistant who could be called upon to remind you of pending meetings and to get you out the door in time?
  • Do you honestly not want to be where you are supposed to? Look into your own procrastination for answers

Why Are You Late?

In the past being late was relegated to “artistic types” or “creatives” and that no longer flies. Regardless of your vocation or avocation, being punctual is respecting the time of others.

Here are tips you can implement into your life to assure you’re on time:

  1. Timers matter. It is easy to get so lost in a task that you honestly forget the time. To help prevent that from happening, set a timer thirty minutes before you need to leave. This will give you time to wrap up what you’re doing, visit the restroom, gather your stuff and leave on time.
  2. Plan your tasks accordingly. If you know you have a meeting soon, don’t get involved in a time-consuming task.
  3. Build in buffers. If you have calls that are scheduled for thirty minutes add a buffer before you have your next appointment. This will help you not feel rushed, help the person with whom you’re on the phone not feel rushed or short changed, and if you have additional time because of your buffer, get up and take a walk! Treat yourself.
  4. If you simply can’t, or won’t set a timer, ask someone to give you a reminder. As an adult, you should be able to set your own timer, but if you know you’ll ignore it, then ask for help.

Take time to really do some soul searching on why you’re late. Are you late to everything or to specific things (like the dentist or a meeting with a client with whom you’re not engaged?) If you know what you’re late for then you can find reasons for your tardiness then address it.

Do you struggle with time management or productivity or getting to appointments on time? If so, drop us a message and let’s get you accountable!