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If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there. I’ll bet you’ve heard that saying before. It may sound cliche, but in business it’s true. If you don’t set goals how will you know if you’re meeting them? How will you know when you’ve achieved success if you don’t know what “success” looks like to you?

Here are my top five tips for setting achievable goals for your business, keep in mind though that there is no one size fits all for goal setting:

  1. What is your business’s purpose? Knowing this will help you set goals to achieve its overall purpose aka mission and vision.
  2. Will your goal help you to grow as a person? Setting goals that keep you well within your comfort zone don’t allow you to grow or change as a person. Gaining knowledge and being a lifelong learner keeps you fresh and your skills current. Don’t let lack of current skills mean the competition is taking away your client base.
  3. Will achieving the goals you’ve set help you with your personal satisfaction? At the end of the day, if you don’t love what you’re doing and if you don’t feel you’re making a difference, you will be working for an empty goal. Set goals that not only enhance your business but your self of self worth.
  4. Will your goal change the world? I don’t necessarily mean the entire world, but your portion of it. Does the goal you set and the business service you provide enhance or enrich the lives of those with whom you interact? What can you do to change your corner of the world?
  5. Is your goal tied to monetary levels of success? If so, what are they? Are you meeting them? Are you exceeding them? Are the goals you set pushing you out of your comfort zone? Do you want to go from making five figures this year to six or seven figures? What can you do today to make it happen?

How often do you set goals and how often do you check back in on them to make sure you’re on track?