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Did you know that “eight out of ten adults” want to write a book? Do you count yourself among them? If you said yes and if you are a business owner you should make 2021 the year that you realize that dream. We have put together a short list of 6 reasons to write your biz book in 2021.

What are you waiting for? Entrepreneurs need to write a book as a way to share their experiences, insights and expertise. This is especially true if you want to get more speaking gigs or pick up more clients – and we assume that is the reason for being in business, right?

6 Reasons To Write Your Biz Book In 2021

Here are our top reasons to write a book coupled with how to make it happen.

  1. You need to know why you want to write a book. Do you want to write it to give away? Do you want to write it to lead people into a course? Do you want to be seen as an expert? Do you want to use it as a lead magnet into your coaching programs? Do you have a story to tell and you just want to share it with the world without any idea of monetary gain? Knowing your WHY will help you formulate the content.
  2. If you know you need help, get it. Do your research and hire or work with a book coach about whom you’ve heard good things. Ask friends who have written books how they did if and if they hired someone. If you just need accountability or help with getting started or putting together chapter titles, etc. know that going into a relationship with a book coach.
  3. Make the time for it. We’ll bet you thought about writing a book before, but time just got away from you. The year ends and you still don’t have a book, right? You need to put “write my book” on your calendar and treat it as a true to do, not something you push off to the bottom of the pile. Make it a priority or it won’t happen for another year.
  4. Plan the content. Sit down and ask yourself: who will read your book? Why will they read it? What will they learn from it? How do you want to construct it? As a how-to, a narrative with a workbook? Once you know who will read it and how you want them to consume the content, write a table of contents; that will guide the rest of the content.
  5. Start marketing the book now. Don’t wait until it’s written and published. Build buzz for your book now and start making pre-sale packages. For instance, buy the book on pre-sale and you get XYZ bonuses. The major entrepreneurs who are authors do just that as a way to garner presales and to potentially get new business.
  6. Know where you want to publish your book or talk with a professional to understand the nuances of publishing. Do you want to work with a publisher or do you want to self publish? That is one of the biggest questions you will need to answer.

 Pull out your calendar today and plan your book. Write it down as a to do and attach deadlines and word counts to it. Make it happen in 2021.

Reach out to Rex Richard and make a plan for your marketing strategy for your book. He also has resources on his team to help you get your book started and completed!