Suffering a failure or a set back, while frustrating, may not be the end of the world. Failure, as a matter of fact, may propel your business to even greater levels of success. It doesn’t seem to add up, but I believe it does.
Here are my reasons for believing that failing doesn’t make you, or your business idea, a failure:
- Failing means you tried something new. You’re growing, expanding and keeping yourself open to new ideas
- Failing means that you’re always learning. You’re not happy with doing things the way they’ve always been done. You want to take an old idea and try a new spin
- Failing means that you are taking action and moving your business forward. You’re not allowing yourself or your business to stagnate
If you don’t take a chance and throw that dart at the board how will you know if you’re going to hit a bull’s eye? When did you last fail and what lessons did you learn?