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Hunger and motivation are the two driving forces behind business success, don’t you agree? Which one feeds the other, though I sometimes wonder. I believe that if you’re motivated you will tend to make things happen; you’ll leap over obstacles and realize your dreams.

How can you stay motivated?:

  • Review your goals at least daily
  • Focus on reaching them
  • Sharpen your hunger by taking personal responsibility for attaining your goals

If you find yourself veering off the path you’ve chosen for your entrepreneurial endeavor, or your life goal, it’s time to step back and reassess the situation. What steered you off the path you were following? Did the goals ultimately not align with your life? For some reason has the impetus for achieving a particular goal faded? Does it not matter as deeply as it originally did? Do you want to get back on that particular path or will that goal no longer serve you?

It’s never a bad idea to take a step back and assess your goals, especially if you find you’re no longer as hungry for them as you once were.