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Did you know that inertia feeds on itself? The longer you put off doing a task or making a call or even making a decision, the harder — and less attractive — it becomes to make a decision. Enter inertia.

Did you know you use more energy avoiding making a decision than you do by simply committing? It’s true. Also, the longer you delay making a commitment the harder the final decision becomes and you might even be dissatisfied with the outcome because of lengthy procrastination. Procrastinating on a decision can also lead to a snowball effect where you have myriad decisions piling up and in the face of them, the decision making is daunting.

On the flipside, though, making decisions leads to making even more decisions and accomplishing more than you’d imagined.

When you’re faced with a decision — whether it’s as life changing as: should I relocate? Take a new job? Have a latte or an espresso? — grab pen and paper and write down the worst case scenario for each decision that needs to be made. After that write down the reasons why you can’t simply reverse the decision once you’ve made it. If you find yourself going down a path that simply isn’t, or hasn’t, worked out. Take steps to reserve it.

Being frozen in place drains your energy and saps your emotional strength. Are you procrastinating any decisions?