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What Excites You?

When was the last time you were truly excited about something? A new opportunity? A new gadget? A new idea or plan for success? Sometimes it’s so easy to get into a rut. Beware of this though, because if you do you can thwart your creativity. Take a few moments to think about the last time you were truly excited about something. Do you tell yourself you’re not “allowed” to be excited because you’re a business owner and you have responsibilities? I’m here to tell you that because of your status as an entrepreneur you need to make time for excitement.

This is what I’ve found happens when I embrace a new idea and let my creativity flow:

  • My creative juices flow and then they overflow into all areas of my life.
  • I feel energized! Watch out though you may be so energized that you forget to sleep!
  • Even spending time thinking about your new idea allows you to leave the routine and the mundane behind and you’ll return to the task at hand feeling refreshed and renewed.

If you haven’t tried anything new and/or exciting lately, look for an opportunity to do something truly different and exciting. Who knows, maybe such an opportunity will appear in your Inbox in the next day or two!



A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics… 

I have always been fascinated by various mind control methods ranging from simple “self talk” all the way through to the real thing… “brainwashing”.  In my research I found the following article which proved to be well researched and provides a deep insight into the “brainwashing” techniques developed by Russia, some of which you might recognize as being used by politicians today.

I hope you enjoy the read!


The following treatise on communist brainwashing, which has been published and republished since the 1930s, is an edited version of an actual textbook on Russian “psychopolitics.” It was used as a primer, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, and, in fact, how to subvert entire populations. While the wording of this particular treatise and there are any number of them may or may not be completely authentic, two things are historically certain: 1) Such brainwashing activities really occurred, and 2) this volume accurately conveys the principles and techniques employed.

Download the full article here:   Brainwashing

20 Ways To Increase Your Brain Power

If you want to grow in life…
increasing your mental capacity is a must.

Increasing your “Brain Power” is much like increasing your physical capability to lift weight in exercise. People with greater physical capability will be able to lift heavier weight effortlessly while those with less capability will tire themselves out or even not be able to lift it at all.

In much the same way, the brain can be strengthened to substantially improve the ability to think creatively and logically, while improving calmness, stability, confidence, and the ability to assume increased responsibilities

But the question comes to mind, “how do we achieve the increase in our mental capacity”?

To increase your physical capability you train your body by pushing it to lift weight to the limits of your current capability. Though it may feel a bit hard in the beginning, you will find it effortless after some days or weeks of training. You can then gradually and continually add more weight, little by little, and by doing so repetitively, you see your physical capability increase significantly.

The way to increase your mental capacity is similar:

Do things which are just outside your comfort zone and that push you to the limits of your current capability.

As a result, your mental muscles will grow stronger and your mental capacity will increase.

To help you put it into practice, here are 30 ways to do things which are just outside your comfort zone to increase your mental capacity:

  1. Learn a new hobby.
  2. Learn a foreign language.
  3. Join a new club and interact with the people there.
  4. Practice an art you normally wouldn’t (painting, music, etc.).
  5. Learn a new musical instrument.
  6. Be dare to ask. This is to familiarize yourself with rejection.
  7. Read fiction if you normally read non-fiction, and vice versa.
  8. Read a new author.
  9. Read an old book.
  10. Visit a new genre of blogs.
  11. Find friends from a new country (i.e. a country from which you haven’t had any friend before).
  12. Find friends from different professions.
  13. Volunteer for activities conducted by your social or business group.
  14. Take a different route to work.
  15. Attend an art festival.
  16. Read history more than news.
  17. Visit a place you normally wouldn’t (museum, monument, national park, etc.).
  18. Go to a conference or seminar in a topic you are not familiar with.
  19. Initiate conversation with someone you don’t know.
  20. Find the most unpleasant task in your to-do list and do it first.

How Productive Are You?

Whether you manage a group of employees, a handful of independent contractors or are merely keeping track of your own productivity levels, you need to ask yourself: How productive am I? At what level are your time management skills? Was getting organized at the top of your to-dos for 2012? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, let me ask you this…Do you believe that multi-tasking makes you more, or less, productive.  We will discuss multi-tasking in a future post, but I wanted you to be thinking of it while you read this information.

What steps do you take to make effective use of your time? Do you live by a calendar — whether virtual or paper copy; write your to-dos on a white board or write sticky notes to remind you of items to be done? Truly, no one can dictate which of these methods for tracking your tasks are best, but you do need to know yourself to know what will offer you the greatest efficiencies.

Getting a handle on your time is perhaps the most important thing you can do for both yourself and your staff and it is likely the most difficult item to tackle. According to productivity professional, Laura Stack, the biggest time management challenge is that individuals simply don’t take time to think and plan. She suggests adding “thinking time” to your daily calendar. If you’re thinking you don’t have time to even get your normal daily tasks done, so how could you possibly spend time thinking, you need to open your thoughts. To effectively plan a day, week or month you truly need to take stock of everything you need to accomplish and how can you do that unless you’ve taken the time to think about it? You probably can’t.

Do you rely on your technologies to keep your time in check? Be aware that many people get lost in their technologies — smart phones, etc. — and lose track of time and therefore, fall behind in their day-to-day tasks. If you’re going to rely on your technologies, make certain you are aware of the time you might be wasting while doing so. Set a timer to keep yourself in check.

Remember, once your time is gone, you can’t get it back. Use it wisely and be the most productive you can be!


The Solution To Life Problems

In reality there are no problems… only the lack of understanding that creates the frustration and incapacity to move forward.

Once the understanding is developed… through growth…, the frustration is removed and forward progress resumes.

If we are frustrated now it is because we have reached a place where our growth has not prepared us to be.  The frustration is the symptom that growth is required.

Listen to the symptoms and re-engage growth to become everything you are capable of being.

The Secret to Creating a Positive Existence

“What is wrong with my life? I have learned many things and have done everything in accordance with rules for positive living, but my life has stayed the same. Why?”

The following expaination is based upon the Bible verse: Romans 12:2 “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind”

How the mind works

Here is the explanation:

“First, the statement: “I learned many things, but my life stayed the same” is understandable from the science’s point of view. It is all about people’s minds and habits.

We have two minds: the conscious mind (CM) and the subconscious mind (SCM).

The CM is our thinking mind, which includes aspirations, goals and ambitions. It represents usand we have power over our conscious mind.

The subconscious mind is our habit mind

It is just a “recording device,” recording our life’s experiences since we were a child. We had no power over our SCM when we were recording our life’s experiences.

Since day one, we have taped the behavior, feelings, moods and attitudes of our parents, family members, peers and the social environment around us. Therefore, our subconscious mind represents others.

Now, comes the first point: The conscious and subconscious minds are not connected in the way we believe they are. They are two different parts of the same human mind’s nature. They are working in separate pathways, not exchanging information! Because of this fact, we can consciously learn something using the aware part of the mind, but this will not change the subconscious mind.

Why? Because there is no direct communication between these two minds. Just conscious learning will not change the nature of the subconscious mind.

How to change subconscious minds

The only one way to change the SCM is to override the old programs and re-record new programs.

How? In the same way we have learned old programs; repeating a hundred times new skills (programs), so they will become habits. Remember how we learned walking, talking or riding a bike.

Unfortunately, when we learn something, the information doesn’t cross from the conscious to the subconscious mind directly.

This is the reason why using only our conscious mind, we cannot change our subconscious mind.

Now we understand why some people struggle in life. They have a “good program” in their conscious mind, but they have a “bad program” in their subconscious mind which is not supporting their destination.

Or, we can say people want to change or learn to change, but they do not have support from their subconscious mind. If we want to succeed, our conscious and subconscious mind should be in agreement.

Who is winner in the battle between the conscious and subconscious mind?

I am sure you know the answer; it is the subconscious mind!


The reason is this: 95% of our life is a printout of our subconscious mind — which is other peoples’ programs.

The remaining 5% comes from our desires, goals and aspirations — which is our conscious mind.”


Despite this explanation, we are not victims of our subconscious mind. We have the power to override the old programs and record new ones, if we know what is limiting us.