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It happens to everyone; you’re buzzing right along in your business then you hit a road block a cobweb in your plans and you have to step back and regroup.

How can you wipe away the cobwebs and continue moving forward:

  1. Take an action, any action. Inertia feeds inertia. Take a small step toward chipping away at a larger goal will make it seem more manageable and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment for having worked on it — even if it’s only 15 minutes at a time.
  2. Do you lack confidence in either making a decision or moving a project forward? If so, call on the help or advice of an expert. Ask for support for those items that stump you.
  3. Is there information you’re missing to make an informed decision? If you need more information, do some research or ask for clarification.

What can you do today to move a project forward?