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If you believe that attending networking meetings will automatically and magically help your business grow, you may want to read this post first. There are networking myths that everyone believes, that may not be true.

I do enjoy networking events and do find they are helpful if I walk into the event with a plan in mind of what I want to accomplish when I am meeting current colleagues and new people.  Here are myths that surround networking and inherent benefits:

  • Myth Number 1: It doesn’t matter what meeting I attend, as long as I attend something. Busted: It does matter. Do your homework and attend events that will put you in front of your ideal client. If you fill your calendar with every networking event you find, you are spinning your wheels.
  • Myth Number 2: Everyone is a potential client. Busted: Not true. Every person you meet is a potential colleague, but not necessarily a client. A colleague is someone who could become a trusted business partner who (once they get to know you and your business) could become a great referral source for you. That being said, they may be a potential client but you need to cultivate a relationship first.
  • Myth Number 3:  I need to recite my elevator speech and give my life story to everyone at every opportunity. Busted: This is not an ideal way to network. You wouldn’t share your entire life story on a blind date, would you? Get to know the person in front of you. Ask open ended questions. Schedule a getting-to-know-you meeting after the initial event.  This won’t happen with everyone you meet, just the people you “click” with.

Plan your networking so you can maximize effectiveness. Bottom line, it’s about relationship building and that takes time.