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Working as a team is something that all business people need to learn how to do, even if you work as a solopreneur (chances are you will work with outside service providers). There are a few steps managers can take to foster a team atmosphere and propel the team toward excellence.

Working in a corporate environment means you need to have a team that actually works well together, or one that at least can cooperate toward the completion of a project. As a leader, there are a few steps you can take to foster an environment that is conducive to productive team members, they are:

  • Communication. If you can’t or don’t communicate with your team how will they know whether they’re performing at the level you’re expecting? Share information and foster open lines of communication between yourself and the team.
  • Coordination. Chances are, your team is comprised of individuals of varying talents, coordinate with them so they can work at their peak of efficiency. Use action plans to coordinate the outcomes of a project.
  • Cooperate. Disagreements between team members can be healthy and lead toward a more indepth project. Don’t allow team members to blame one another — make certain they understand it is a team effort and everyone will succeed, or fail, as a team.
  • Collaborate. Foster an environment where your team feels free to toss ideas around, brainstorm and choose the part of the project in which they will excel, they will take more ownership in the outcomes.
  • Confidence. Show your team you have confidence in their ability to complete the task at hand.

Are you fostering an environment of cooperation and teamwork?