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Did you reach your personal and professional goals for 2012? Do you have new goals to set for 2013? Now is the time to put them into place and put them in writing as 2013 is fast approaching. To improve the likelihood that your goals will come to fruition, they need to be clearly articulated, achievable and most importantly, written down and put in plain view.

Try this Who, What and How approach for goal setting:

WHAT is the goal(s) you want to achieve? What steps do you need to take to consider it a successful goal? If your goal is to increase productivity by five percent, what is that “five percent”? Is it an increase in clients? Revenue? Both? If it is measurable, you will more easily see if you’re reaching the goal you’ve set.

HOW will you implement the steps to make the WHAT an achievable goal? Do you need special training? Do you need to diversify your offerings? Work with a new client base? Are there small, incremental goals you need to take to reach the larger outcome?

WHO is accountable for the goal? Do you have the staff and/or bandwith to reach your planned goal? Is there a person in charge of the projects toward the ultimate goal? Is there a team champion?

It’s easy to let a day or a week or even a month slip by without having checked a goal off your to-do list. Make 2013 the most productive year for meeting your goals. Are you ready?