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You got into business for yourself to be a success, right? If that’s the case and if you’re struggling, maybe you need to take a step back and look at the basics. Here are my three habits that I’ve found highly successful entrepreneurs share:

  1. Prioritize.  You cannot drift along hoping for success. There has to be a written plan in place. Your priorities will keep you on track and will keep you accountable.  If you’re working your priorities, you’re bound to succeed.success
  2. Build a great team. Whether it’s the staff you hire, the attorney you work with, the virtual assistant who oversees your projects or the mastermind group with whom you associate, you need to surround yourself with great people.
  3. Communicate.  Whether you operate a virtual business or brick and mortar, you need to master effective communications with your staff and clients. Every communication, whether on the phone, by email, or in person, should have a well thought out purpose and be clear, concise, and complete.

Work on incorporating these habits into your daily business routine and you might just see your success rates increase. What do you find is a habit that helps you succeed?