If you’re growing your small business there are several ways to push yourself toward success. For many entrepreneurs there comes a time when hiring personnel becomes a necessity and when you do, here are three tips to make certain your new hires are on the same page for success as you are:
- You need to define the roles for your new hires. Whether you’re hiring to fill an independent contractor role or a full or part time position at your growing business, you need to define the roles and tasks for the new person. Clearly defined – and written roles – complete with outcome metrics helps the new hire know what’s expected.
- You need to know what you need and why before you hire. Many entrepreneurs hire because they have an immediate need for help but aren’t certain for how long this need will last or what is crucial to the company’s overall growth. You need to have more of an idea than “I need to hire” to make it a successful fit for the both of you. Clearly delineate the key roles in the job ad you’re placing.
- Have a training and mentoring program in place. A training program could be an ongoing process, but you need to train a new employee so he or she fits into the corporate culture from day one. If the employee doesn’t have an outline or an understanding of what you want from them. A training program offers them support and provides development in the position and in the role you’ve created for him or her.
Employees can make or break your company on its path toward growth. Take time and hire with care.