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Is stress a part of your daily life? As an entrepreneur, you may have more stress than others, but you don’t want to let stress rule your life or your health — and your business will suffer. During my business coaching calls we cover stress and how it impacts a business owner. We talk about it from a “setting a business growth path” view, but it helps keep an entrepreneur sane and the business growing.

How can you tackle your stress? Here are tips:

  1. Get away from your desk and get out into nature. Walk around your office building. Stepping away from the screen can be liberating. When it gets to be too much for me I climb mountains!
  2. Look for the silver lining.  Spend time counting your blessings!
  3. Many people work virtually now and have little to no human interaction. If that is your situation, you should get out of the office — even if it just means having a meeting at a coffee shop. A change of scenery will do you good.
  4. Don’t let stress lead you down a path of eating processed, unhealthy foods. Healthy foods fuel you better.
  5. Get a hobby. Get out on the golf course, climb a mountain, read a book.  Rediscover a hobby and make time for it daily.

To be an effective entrepreneur you need to find ways to manage your stress.