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If you have a business plan, and if you’re in business, you should you know that it is a living, breathing document, right? You should review your business plan at least monthly to make sure you are on track with the goals you’d set and that you’re bringing in the income you had planned for. Think of your business plan as a “desired state of mind/business” as compared to your “current state/comfort zone” this may help you more fully and finely focus your efforts.

Here are my two best kept secrets for a successful business plan: communication

  1. Name the new state of mind for your business plan. What does that mean? “Customer focused” or “increase use of technology.” What ever state you choose should have a metric to help you understand what “customer focused” or “increased use of technology” means to your business and to its profits.
  2. Identify the activities you will have to perform to achieve your new state of mind. Does it mean you need to bring in X number of new customers, better use and follow up with prospects via your CRM technology? Remember to keep your goals SMART — strategic, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-sensitive.

Once you have looked over the business plan and chosen an area on which to focus your new activities and state of mind, talk with your team and your sales force. They need to buy in to your new plans in order to help them work. You need to align your people and your processes to assure highest success.