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As an entrepreneur with multiple projects going all at once I am constantly facing deadlines, sometimes overflowing email in boxes and calls to return. That was just a very short list of what I am looking at every day, but I find if I put together a to-do list I get more accomplished than I would without one. But if find yourself writing a to-do list and then being put off by how daunting it seems you don’t want to give up.

I have great suggestions on how small steps can lead to amazing results.

  1. Know what absolutely needs to be accomplished by you. Delegate what you can.
  2. Make note of what absolutely needs to be done today and set that goal.
  3. Do the most important item on your to-do list first.
  4. Understand daily, weekly, monthly and yearly deadlines. Break projects down to measurable time frames and work on them in increments.
  5. Devote 15 minutes to a task that you’re simply dreading. Take a deep breath, but know that you can tackle any task, no matter how objectionable or boring, for 15 minutes.

Are there projects that you put off because they either seem boring or objectionable? Do you find yourself overwhelmed and not sure where to begin? We can actually help with that. Give us a call! Also, if you have tips to share on how you get through your to-do list, please let us know that as well!