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Social media, for many introverts, is a great way to interact without having to be face-to-face with anyone. Social media how-tos for introverted entrepreneurs is a delicate balancing act. Some days you just need to get out of the office and interact with people!

If you’ve been avoiding social media because of your introverted tendencies, you may be inhibiting your chances at success for your business. You should have a social presence and interacting behind the keyboard is easier for introverts once they get the hang of it and the lay of the land.

Social Media How-Tos For Introverted Entrepreneurs

  1. Share relevant content. No matter who you are and what you’re doing on line, be relevant and share content your followers want.
  2. Keep your status updates simple. No matter if you’re an extrovert, ambivert or introvert, social media updates don’t have to be long and overly involved. Use short, simple sentences and you’ll get interaction.
  3. Feature your customers. If you don’t want to talk about yourself, then talk about and highlight your customers. Shine the spotlight on them, tag them, ask them to share and you’re performing a great service.
  4. Focus on your team. Share information (not overly personal) about your team members. They will love being in the spotlight (ask them first) and will likely share that with friends and family and that will expand your reach in an organic way.
  5. “Talk” with your audience. If they’re commenting on your updates or your blog, comment back. Social media is all about interaction and building connections.
  6. Highlight your expertise in a way that addresses a customer pain point, not in a “hey, look at me!” way. Show your talents and expertise through the content you share.

 If you’re an introvert, don’t try to change your personality. You are who you are. Embrace that and move forward!