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Are you, and is your business, the same as the one down the street? Do you essentially offer the same goods and services? Chances are, if you are both selling widgets, you will need to find a differentiator. What could you do that will set you apart from the competition? Be a Go-To Leader. How do you do that? Through careful positioning and targeting your audience and increasing your network.

Here are some steps I’ve taken to be a thought leader in my industry:

  • You need to be visible. If your face isn’t seen at networking and industry events how will people know that you are the Go-To person? Your “face” should also be visible in your social media interactions as well. 
  • Are you an expert? How do you let people know that? Write/blog about it. Speak about it at networking events.
  • Relationship building is key. True Go-To leaders have many connections — valuable connections, not simply numbers on a Twitter feed. Get out of your office, meet people face to face and expand your network.
  • Share your knowledge. Being stingy with what you know doesn’t make you a Go-To leader. If you don’t share, how will others come to see you as the Go-To? They won’t.

What can you do to set yourself apart and become the Go-To leader in your industry?