Because we spend so much time at work — whether you work from a home office, corporate America or somewhere in between. The feeling of stress and feeling out of control while in our work environments will spill over into your home and personal life unless you regain control.
Here are my tips on regaining control, managing your time and reducing your stress:
- Quantity versus quality. Just because you can say you put in a 12 hour day doesn’t mean you accomplished everything you set out to do. Chances are you’re not productive the entire 12 hours, are you? You’re better served, and so are your clients, if you concentrate on the quality of the time you work rather than chalking up quantity.
- Is your work space and your desk conducive to getting your job done in a stress free manner? A clean desk, a welcoming work environment and being comfortable where you’re working will help you be productive… and happier!
- Most entrepreneurs are “idea factories.” Problem is, there are times you need to shut the factory down and concentrate on the tasks at hand. You always want to capture your ideas in a note book or on your computer, but know that you don’t have to act on all of them all the time.
- Are you working on personal growth? Professional growth is a given, but neglecting personal growth leads to stagnation. Learn a new skill. Make a new habit. Take time for yourself and incorporate healthy habits into your work day.
- What’s on your agenda on the weekend? If your weekends are necessary as a way to unwind and recharge to face the upcoming week, you need to rework your time. The way to do this is to look at your weekend as “you time” and family time and time to pursue activities you let slide during the week. Your weekend should be a time for family and recreation and yes a little bit of planning for the week ahead.
What steps can you take to rein in the stress?