Every year – usually around January 1 – individuals set goals for themselves for business and personal reasons. By mid-January many people find that they’ve abandoned those goals, and the reasons for this can usually be narrowed down to five reasons for failure. Here are some ways to help you achieve your goals, including:
- You must write them down. Once a goal is committed to writing, the permanence it creates helps bring it to fruition. A written goal provides clarity and detail.
- The goal must meet certain criteria. It should have a specific beginning and end time as well as measurable steps in between.
- Keep your goals positive. For example, don’t state, “I won’t lose any customers this quarter,” put it like this, “I will bring in X number of new customers and continue to serve my existing base.”
- Are you emotionally attached to your goals? Look for a specific “why” when making and setting your goals. Will it meet a need in your community, does it mesh with your business’s mission statement?
- You need to truly own your own goals. Even if you’re working for a company, the goals set – even if mandated by an employer – can still be made your own. The goals should advance your personal mission.
When is the last time you wrote down a goal? Did you see it through to the end?