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Use LinkedIn For Business Prospecting, it’s a great way to connect with like-minded business people, potential partners and potential clients. If you haven’t tapped into the power of LinkedIn you could be missing a potential landmine of ways to grow your business.

LinkedIn is considered to be a more professional atmosphere than Facebook. You don’t usually find too many memes or funny cat or dog videos on LinkedIn. The business professionals and entrepreneurs who use LinkedIn are using it to share their expertise, learn from other experts and connect with potential business partners and clients.

Use LinkedIn For Business Prospecting, here are some tips for doing just that:

  1. Join groups or start your own. Look for professional groups that are of interest to you and into which you could provide value. Remember, a group is not the place to go and simply announce, “I have something to sell.” Get involved by answering questions. Ask questions. Offer advice. Be a valuable, go-to resource for others in the group.
  2. Make sure your profile is 100%. If there are gaps in the profile (LinkedIn shows you when you log in how complete your profile is) complete it. Update it if you have learned new skills, gained new certifications or changed jobs.
  3. Respond to people to message you. LinkedIn shares with your followers when you have a birthday, a new job, or a work anniversary. When this happens and your in box is full of congratulations and good wishes, respond to those who reached out.

Nurture the relationships you have on LinkedIn. When you’re connecting with new business people on the site make certain you personalize the invitation and let the potential connection know how and where you met.

Are you using LinkedIn? Are you using the publishing tool on LinkedIn? It’s an ideal way to get your post in front of your followers.