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Being an entrepreneur is hard work. There is no denying that. Being an entrepreneur takes an individual who is willing to take a chance and to jump in and make things happen. Because it’s not easy, there are ways that entrepreneurs can be mentally healthy that can assist them in reaching newer and higher heights of success in their endeavors.

Do you take care of your mental health? Do you make your physical and mental health a priority or are you too focused on business success that other areas of your life are suffering? You need to find a balance. It is crucial to business success and life success.

Ways Entrepreneurs Can Be Mentally Healthy

If you’re not certain if you’re mentally healthy, here are a few areas to consider.

  1. Do you feel sorry for things you’ve tried that “failed”? Entrepreneurs need to look at things they’ve tried, not as failures, but as experiments from which they can learn, move forward, refocus and try again. You can’t have an “oh woe is me” attitude if you want to thrive as a business owner.
  2. You’re not willing to face change head on. If you’re mentally strong and mentally healthy, you will embrace and jump into challenges and changes. Don’t focus on the “fear” of the unknown, instead focus on the welcome feeling of taking on a new challenge — it’s a chance to grow.
  3. Don’t get lost in the weeds of things you simply cannot change or control. Is the price of your equipment going higher? Not much you can do unless you look for a new supplier. If you mail a physical product and the price of shipping is going up, look for a new vendor or find ways to creatively absorb or pass along the costs. As an entrepreneur there are many things beyond your control — just as there are things in your life beyond your control. You need to know which battles to take on and which to let go.
  4. Be resentful of your competition. If your competitor is doing “so much better” than you are, you need to look and see if they are truly doing that much better or are they “faking it until they make it”? If you don’t have insider knowledge you don’t know how they are actually doing. What you can do is focus on your own successes and learn from your past experiments and move forward.
  5. Do you ever take time for self reflection? Mentally healthy people seek solitude as a way to reflect and recharge their mental and physical batteries. Meditate. Take a walk. Enjoy nature. Pet a dog. Eat a healthy meal — that is not eaten in front of the computer screen.

Take time to appreciate and celebrate your achievements. Learn from your mistakes. Keep moving forward toward your entpreneurial successes!