We all have those customers that we love working with, right? We also all have those clients or customers that we wince when we see their name show up on our cell phone or in our appointment book. How well do you know your customer? How would you like to work with a majority of clients or customers who make you happy and bring you joy? It’s easiest to do this if you know who your ideal client is, what they need and want from you and how you can deliver.
What makes for an ideal customer?
- They come to you for more than your price.
- They stick with you long term.
- They are willing and happy to try new products or services you offer.
- They continually boy.
- They know what they want.
- They pay on time.
If you’re looking for ideal customers or clients, you may need to divest your business of those clients who drain your energy and bring nothing to the table. How can you spot a client who is not idea?
- They are never satisfied.
- They continually ask for more but want to pay for less
- They aren’t financially stable and you are continually in money-chase mode
- They don’t value what you do and how to do it
- They rarely offer good word of mouth to potential clients.
How can you rid your business of less than ideal clients?
- Raise your prices
- Be unavailable for their phone calls or meetings
- Offer them an introduction to a business partner who may be a better fit
- Be direct. “I just don’t think we are a good fit.”
When was the last time you needed to break up with a client that just wasn’t a good fit? How did you do it? Were you able to move past the break up and remain friendly?