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Do you simply love the font on a brochure? Do you find yourself gazing at a flaw in the carpet that surrounds your office? Do you bemoan the fact that the wallpaper is downright ugly in your rented business space? If you find yourself  focusing on these items, you are not focusing on the important items in your business.

You need to focus on the important, not the “ugly wallpaper.” Why? Because your clients are focusing on the goods and services you provide them, not the ugly wallpaper. When a client makes a decision to work with you he or she is making that decision based on your reputation, your mission or vision statement, your ethical standing and the costs of the goods and services you provide. Those are the items you, as the business owner, need to focus on as well.


What are the important items in your business? They include:

  • The staff you hire
  • Your business budget
  • The way you market yourself and your business
  • The benefits your products and services provide
  • Forward-thinking growth aspects

As was famously penned, “don’t sweat the small stuff” ie your surroundings, instead look at the big picture and focus on the business goals you’d set for yourself and not the ugly wallpaper.