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The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, knowledge, or skill, but rather a lack of will…

Research tells us that willpower is a limited resource. Each of us only have only so much of it.

Your self-control is at a low point when you are mentally exhausted. Mentally, not physically.

Below I have listed three ways to improve “willpower” and self control.

1. Anticipate and plan for times of low self-control. Self-control is a limited resource and that depleting it means you will have much less for later. Knowing this you can do some anticipating and planning ahead to improve your willpower when it is needed. For example, make sure that you’re not in the snack food aisle of the grocery store or even grocery shopping at all, when you are hungry.  Make a plan to eat first then shop according to your plan.

Simply, don’t walk into a tempting situation without a plan in advance to control your outcome.

2. Exercise your willpower muscle to get more of it. One of the leading researchers in the field of “willpower” is Roy Baumeister. He has suggested that willpower is like a muscle. Exercising muscles in the short-term leads to exhaustion, but over time exercising a muscle causes it to strengthen and grow. There is good evidence that exercising your willpower, though temporarily depleting it, lead to a stronger will in the long run.

Things to do that will deplete your willpower, and as a result improve your self control over time:

  • Work on a tough to solve puzzle;
  • Watch a funny movie but resist the urge to laugh;
  • Watch a sad movie but resist the urge to cry.
  • Master your emotions in difficult situations

3. Drink fruit juice.  It turns out that glucose is one of the key ingredients that your brain needs for effective self-control. Willpower can be increased by ensuring the brain has proper nutrition, specifically glucose!

Willpower is less than infinite. But it can be developed and significantly increased.  The ability to exercise a strong is a proven fundamental for success.  So… pull out the mind weights, (puzzles, emotional times you can rise above), and develop this important tool of effective living.