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For some individuals, the idea that they are an entrepreneur is something they always knew. For others, they wonder if they simply don’t want to work with a boss and wonder if that makes them an entrepreneur or simply someone who can’t work with others. We have come up with 7 signs you might be an entrepreneur. There are many others, but these will help you determine whether you’re ready to ditch the 9-5 and own your own business.

7 Signs You Might Be An Entrepreneur

I knew from an early age that I was going to be an entrepreneur. Those children who run a lemonade stand in the front yard will typically grow up to run their own businesses. The entrepreneurial gene hits some folks early. For other people, dissatisfaction with a job or a downsizing leads them to entrepreneurship.

No matter your reasons, if you’re still struggling with whether you’re an entrepreneur, here is a fun list.

  1. Your family has run its own business. When this happens children are either drawn to running a business or they’ve seen how much work it is and will run the other say and gather a paycheck.
  2. You’ve got confidence to spare. Being an entrepreneur is not for the meek. When you strike out on your own, you need to be able to sell yourself, sell your products and services and build community. Being an entrepreneur is not easy if you’re a shrinking flower.
  3. Passion is your middle name. Entrepreneurs need to be passionate about their self-employment and the product and/or service they produce.
  4. You want to work in your fuzzy slippers and the only traffic jam you want to deal with is from family and pets!
  5. You have a competitive nature. If you look at something and think, “I could do that better or faster!” you might be an entrepreneur.
  6. You’re not afraid of hard work. As an entrepreneur, you don’t earn money unless you produce. It is much easier to work 9-5 and pick up the paycheck on Friday — regardless of how much work you did.
  7. You see opportunities everywhere. Where others see a problem, you see a challenge and a problem to be solved. You don’t even think about all of the opportunities — they are just there!

Are you an entrepreneur? Are you constantly seeking opportunities? Do you want to be an entrepreneur, but don’t know where to start? We can help! Leave us a comment or contact Rex.