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Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Are You Stuck In A Rut?

There are times that no matter how many steps forward you take, you seem to not gain any momentum. When this happens, you’re likely stuck in a rut. What can you do to get out of it?

Here are a few, simple steps that I have found work for me:

  • Shake it up. Try something new. If you keep doing the same tasks in the same order do something different to alleviate the boredom
  • Implement a small change (that may lead toward a much larger change) Whether you’re changing careers or simply need to change your office or the setting in which you host meetings or meet with clients, make a change and see if that moves you forward
  • Step outside your comfort zone. It’s scary to do something new or meet new people or introduce a new product to your services, but doing something that scares you can certainly get out of a rut
  • Exercise your mind and your body. Taking care of yourself both physically and mentally enhances every aspect of your life
  • Learn to say both “yes” and “no” more often. You know how it is — after a while you become known as the go-to person for problem solving and while it may be flattering, you may be at a point where you need to simplify your life and your routine and adding yes and no to your vocabulary may be just what you need!

What are your tips for getting out of a rut?

Are You Blogging For Your Business? You Should Be!

Are You Blogging For Your Business? You Should Be!

There are myriad marketing strategies you can employ to spread the word about your business, who you are and what you do. Did you know that blogging might be one of the most effective?

Whether you blog for yourself or hire a content marketing expert, having a blog presence tells the world that you and your website are “out there” and available and you can use your blogging to showcase your expertise.

How can you make your blog successful? Here are some tips:

  • Be a subject matter expert. Your business operates in a particular niche and that is what you should be blogging about. Be the go-to expert in your field.
  • Stay current on the trends in your market. If there is breaking news – be the one to break it to your readers. They will learn that you are the source for topical information.
  • Put thought into your headlines/blog titles. Rather than writing: How to blog, write a title instead that reads: 7 tips to writing a killer blog post. Be active and specific and searchable in your title and key words.
  • Post consistently. Get your readers accustomed to seeing a new blog post by you once, twice, or three times a week. Give them what they want and keep them coming back for more.
  • Keep the conversation going. If your readers comment on a post, answer them. A blog is a two way conversational outlet, make the most of it.

What are your best tips for blogging your way to the top of your market area?





5 Tips For Staying On Top

5 Tips For Staying On Top

Every business owner is striving to stay on top, right? Some days it is an easy ascent, other days it feels like you’ll never reach the summit. I’ve come up with some mental exercises to help me stay focused on the prize: being the best at what I do while remaining true to myself and my life missions and purpose.

Here they are:

  1. You need to always believe in yourself. It’s true you may have “cheerleaders” out there, but you need to be your own best friend and ally when it comes to your business and your life. 
  2. Grab the bull by the horns and be fearless in all you do. Yes, it’s inevitable that you will fail (we all do) but what matters is that you faced the challenge head on and got up, brushed yourself off and tried again.
  3. Don’t put off making a decision; whether you’re looking to upgrade your computer, move your office, hire an employee… whatever it is, you need to take charge, make a decision and move on. Procrastination kills motivation and leads to emotional stress.
  4. Stay true to yourself. If your clients know you work in an always ethical manner, they will appreciate you all the more. You have to also be ethical and driven in completing the tasks for them that you’ve set out to do. Make certain they can rely on you.
  5. Get out of the office. You need to schedule time for exercise for your mental and physical health. Take a five minute break every hour to walk around the building, do jumping jacks, meditate. Your health is the most important asset you bring to the table for your clients.

How do you “stay on top?”


Do You ‘KNOW’ What To Do?

Do You ‘KNOW’ What To Do?

I read an article recently that used the acronym KNOW to talk about what leaders should be doing to lead and how they can be in the KNOW about what makes a strong team. I believe that when it comes to leading a team, or even if you’re a solopreneur in charge of only leading yourself, you can never stop learning. A leader that stops learning is one who falls behind the curve on the latest technologies and trends.

Here is what the KNOW acronym means to me:

K — is for the Knowledge that each leader brings to the table and to his or her clients. Your clients and your team look to you to provide them the tools necessary to function.

N — is to NOT always be the first to offer an opinion or an automatic solution. Regardless of whether you know the answer, let your team puzzle it out. Ask open ended questions if you need to to get the ball rolling and the brainstorming started.

O — is the time you Open your office to your team. Build in time for one on ones, but also Open your schedule for time for yourself. It’s not always easy at the top and you need time to recharge and replenish your mind, body and soul.

W — Weigh your options before you settle on one. Don’t limit yourself to the “that’s the way we’ve always done it” mindset. Be open to other ideas and ways of doing things.

What do you KNOW?

Staying Motivated In Your Daily Business Life: Three Tips

Staying Motivated In Your Daily Business Life: Three Tips

Working in your business everyday can sometimes seem like pushing a rock up a hill, right? You know you need to be, and stay, motivated but there are some days when it’s more difficult than others.

There are some ways to stay motivated even when the going gets tough and remember, at the end of the day, success comes to he who works toward it! Here are my business motivation tips:

  1.  Set goals. More important than that: Set realistic, attainable goals. If you aim too high and keep falling short, you will lose your motivation. Set attainable short- and long-term goals and work toward them daily.
  2. You’re going to fail. Everyone does. When you do, you need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. Also, don’t forget to focus on your achievements. It is easy to get caught up in a failure and lost sight of your achievements.
  3. Set up a routine and stick to it. Having a routine – even one as seemingly simple as writing down a to-do list on a daily basis – helps keep you on track and a visible to do list keeps you motivated. Additionally, checking items off of your to-do list keeps you motivated for the days ahead!

What can you do to become motivated if you’re not? What steps can you take to remain motivated?