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As an entrepreneur there is no doubt that you have heard about Facebook and if you’re technically savvy, chances are you are already involved in your Facebook page and are working to build your company’s presence.

Here, though, are seven tips to make the best use of your time on Facebook:

  1. Eighty percent of your posts should be informational and fun for your readers. Spend only 20% of your Facebook time in the process of selling
  2. Include an image of your company, a profile picture of yourself and the company principles. Use video to capture the interest of your followers
  3. Don’t know what to write about? Check out Twitter for trending topics
  4. Let your personality shine through. Regardless of the business you’re in, potential clients want to work with “real” people not just a company facade
  5. Work on Facebook follower interaction. Ask a question that doesn’t take too much time or effort on the part of your followers. Ask questions such as: What’s your favorite hamburger topping? Where was your favorite vacation? What was your first vehicle?
  6. Promote your fans. Share their information on your page. Spread the social media love
  7. Don’t forget calls to action. As a way to get them invested in your business or service, ask a question that raises a question in their minds and then offer a free report or a free consultation to address that pain point

What are your favorite Facebook tips?