by Rex Richard | Jan 20, 2012 | Business, Personal Development
When you think of a “winner” who, or what, do you think of? Is there a specific person? A goal attained? A particular level of success? Winner means many things to many people.
For many, the word winner brings to mind a person who works hard, is dedicated, perseveres no matter how large the obstacles, values commitment, has drive, vision and above all, has a passion for whatever he or she does. It is the passion for your chosen goal that will keep a winner moving forward.
How can you be a winner? Begin by visualizing what step you need to attain to consider it a “win” for your particular goal. If you can see the end goal, you have something toward which to strive. Write down the steps you need to take to reach your goal. The time you spend now will help you achieve your ultimate win! Keep your steps toward the goal both manageable and measurable. How will you know if you’ve arrived if you don’t know the steps it will take to make it there?
Now that you know what your goal is, it’s time to think like a winner. If you believe you are a winner, you can make it happen. Some people give up on their dreams when they’ve had a couple of failures or if they start to think they aren’t smart enough or worthy enough to be a winner. The power of positive thinking cannot be over estimated.
Regardless of what your goal is, you won’t make it to your goal if you’re not willing to put in the work. Winners work hard to get where they are and if you want to join their ranks you need to be willing to put in the hours to make it happen.
Mark off the steps you’ve attained along the way toward your winning goal. Celebrate the steps you’ve made. Celebrate your ability to be a winner.
by Rex Richard | Jan 7, 2012 | Business, Personal Development
Solving Problems in 10 Steps
by Rex Richard
We all have daunting challenges in our lives and businesses. Find the solutions by following this 10-step recommended plan of attack.
1. Precisely define the problem.
2. Consider it from additional angles. As Jack Welch said, “Continually expand your definition of the problem, and you expand your view of all the different ways that it can be solved.” Ask, “What else is the problem?”
3. Re-examine the problem, looking at it over and over. Seek new ways to consider it. Continue to ask, “What else is the problem?”
4. Identify the problem’s primary causes.
5. Consider any and all solutions that will eliminate the problem. Do not settle for just one answer. Develop numerous solutions to the same problem.
6. By now, you have thoroughly examined the problem, its causes and some potential solutions. Given this hard work, you are ready to decide which tactic will work best, and to go for it.
7. Assemble your team and dole out assignments to fix the problem according to your chosen solution.
8. Establish a deadline and create a schedule that meets it.
9. Put your planned solution into action, but have a secondary plan ready in case your primary plan does not work.
10. Circle back to the problem later to ensure that you have eliminated it. If not, put Plan B into action.
Have a Plan B.
Leading a balanced, orderly personal life will help you be a better leader. Find practical methods for eliminating stress, unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
Periodically “reinvent” who you are. Often this involves striking out in some entirely new direction in your work.
Take the time you need to achieve serenity and peace. On a daily basis, simply turn everything off for a time. Be quiet, calm and peaceful.
Savor the silence. Use your former TV-watching time to get in closer touch with your loved ones. Be considerate to them and to yourself.
Strive to live a healthier life. Eat better. Exercise more. You are special and valuable. Treat yourself accordingly.
by Rex Richard | Apr 9, 2011 | Business
I just received an email asking me if I had a “business plan” that could be used to help create a revised plan for a business. On the surface this seems like a reasonable request, maybe even an simple request to fulfill, but as I thought through the process in detail I concluded it was not as “simple” as it seems at first glance.
I replied to the request with the following email.
“Thank you for contacting me…, you ask an interesting question.
As business plans should each be unique, reflecting the vision of the owner there would be no such thing as a sample plan. (They exist, they just have little real value)
I have written several highly effective plans and through my coaching have helped numerous pool builders and service companies to refine their vision, and create a n excellent business plan as well.
There are also several types of “plan”. The most common is an abbreviated plan with a focus on financial satements for the purpose of securing a loan. This is a “purpose specific” plan that works for accountants and banks but is useless as a “road map” to running a business.
A proper “comprehensive” plan is preceded by a bit of research into your own habits, desires, and existing employee and company structure and habits as well. Without this data, any “plan” would again be completely useless to serve as a road map. It’s the old adage… “garbage in… garbage out”. Only with accurate data and clearly defined objectives can a plan be created.
If it is for the bank, there is business plan software that works for that purpose. if it is to realize your business potential and vision… that is something entirely different.
I offer a detailed program for doing all the above. (Comprehensive planning) We begin with you… your vision, skills, and existing systems, and we evaluate and fix every element of the business from top to bottom.
It takes most people 1 to 3 years to not only make a plan, but implement all the features so the business functions creating a strong thriving business. ( I have seen it done in less than one year…)
If your business is not what you would like it to be, it is the way it is, not because you don’t care…, it’s obvious you do, but because there were critical elements missing in one or more of three vital areas. The areas are: “Systems”, “Marketing”, and “Skills”, (I use the aacronym “SMS”).
I have found most entrepreneurs have the technical skills, but often lack the communication, leadership, and management skills. Likewise, all businesses have systems, most are unintentional, but they are systems none the less. The idea is to eliminate harmful systems, fix broken systems, and implement missing systems. Then there’s the marketing…, most is wasteful and ineffective, lacking specific, target, strategy, or system or the metrics to measure the results.
Also needed to consider in the process is the “life cycle” of the business. Not age mind you, but we are speaking of maturity here. Simply expressed there is the Foundational, Growth, and Sustainable phases, each corresponding with developmental cycles.
The Foundational stage is the “infant” stage, the Growth stage is the “adolescent” stage, and the Sustainable stage is a still growing but mature and in control stage.
Businesses, like life, develop “behavioral disfunction” as they mature through each phase if not handled correctly. In this case, like in life, the business must “unlearn” destructive habits and replace them with strong productive habits.
I know this is WAY more than you asked for, but you see, if you write a business plan, you will have a “plan” that more than likely will never reach your destination.
It’s kind of like being dropped into the middle of an unfamiliar country… lets say, Australia, and being required to now sit and create the map to take you in the shortest route to safety. It is unfamiliar territory. Sure, you have some basics, you can navigate by sun and stars, and you may even have a GPS. But you see, even the GPS will only tell you where you are and maybe where you want to go, (assuming you already know), but it can’t begin to tell you the best way to get there. It’s possible, even likely you will choose a path that may eventually arrive at your destination…, but you will be too late. It will not be the shortest plan.
Business success needs a plan, but the prerequisite to a good plan is a clear vision of where you are and where you need to go, then the help of an experienced guide who will show you the “shortest path”. Without the guidance, the plan is likely to achieve about what you have right now. If so, why waste the time.
A good plan is really worth it. Great businesses are based upon great plans, but they need a leader who is committed to the task or they will fail. In many ways, with business as in life, it all comes down to you.
If you would be interested in discussing your business further, provide me a good time to speak with you and I will give you a call. I absolutely know I can help you.
I wish you great success and look forward to speaking with you.”
I hope my sharing this with you enlightens your perspective a bit, and maybe even has you considering to use of a “guide”.