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Flipping The Switch On Your Brain!

Are you happy? Does it seem like a stressor to have to be happy? Did you know that there are ways to switch on the happiness switch that will help you get more out of your day and make it less stressful? The power of positive thinking is an incredible power to harness.

Here are three steps you can take to flip the switch on your brain to happy:

  1. Start your day with time for reflection. Take the time to reflect on the successes of the prior day and plan for success on the day ahead. Take the time to answer the questions: Who are you? What do you want to do? What makes you happy? Answering these questions will steer you toward positivity and help you to reflect on you own existence and its place in the world.
  2. Endeavor to make one small change today. Keep your brain active and engaged. Break out of a rut. It could be as simple as shaking up your morning routine to completing a crossword puzzle to learning a new task.
  3. Go with the flow. This is probably one of the most difficult changes for some individuals. You need to let go of anger at interruptions and adapt to the changes. What is within your control and what is outside of the realm of your control? Knowing which are which will help you more easily let go of those things over which you have no control. Take time for deep, meditative breaths or a quick, relaxing walk.

What will you do to make your day a happier, more productive one?


Planning for Quiet Time

In today’s ever-connected world, there are times when you simply need to step away and plan for quiet time. How can you turn off distractions? Step away from the office? Maybe even take time away from the family for a few hours? Can you turn off the television, radio, not play any audio books for a few hours? If possible, you need to do so. Your mind needs down time in order to function at its optimal levels.

If you find you have your best ideas when you’re doing a mindless task such as cooking dinner, showering, or even sitting in a traffic jam, it’s because your mind has had the opportunity to tune out.

Here are some steps to create your own downtime:

  • Put it in your calendar. Yes, you need to schedule quiet time just as you schedule appointments you need to schedule down time. Find a time during the day when you’re not at your peak and then make it a ritual for your down time. Take a walk. Sit in a quiet, darkened room and simply unwind.
  • Take advantage of your commute. If you travel to and from work and find yourself stuck in traffic, use that time to turn off the radio and take advantage of that as quiet time.
  • Schedule your downtime around your colleague’s schedules if necessary. Can you only grab small amounts of downtime at work without interruptions? Take advantage of the lunch schedules of co-workers and plan to eat at a different time. Use the time your co-workers are at lunch for your down time.
  • Carve out a space at home where you can have your quiet time. Let the kids and significant other know that when the door is closed for X amount of minutes, it’s your downtime and you’d appreciate not being interrupted. If possible sit in a room that doesn’t make you feel you need to get up and clean it. Make your quiet space a place of relaxation.

How can you take steps to have quiet time? Is it something to which you can commit?

Positive Attitude Matters In Life & Business

Studies have long shown that individuals have about 40% control over their mindset. If you feel you’re not in control or if your 40% isn’t positive, there may be ways to retrain your brain, through your actions, to enhance a more positive attitude. Here are a few steps to take toward a sunnier outlook on life:

  • Make time for yourself. You need to step away from your business and your daily stressors as a way toward a happier outlook. If you can take a ten-minute “you” break, you just might be happier. If possible, go outside for your ten-minute you breaks.
  • Count your blessings. In times of stress it’s easy to look at what you don’t have or what you wish you hadn’t lost. Take some time at the beginning and end of each day and count your blessings on what you do have, what you accomplished and what you have to look forward to.
  • Push yourself toward greater heights. Challenging yourself and taking initiative helps you feel more in control of your life and your business. It’s also found that pessimists tend to sit back and wait for things to come to them or to happen and this leads to dissatisfaction. Raise the bar at work and home and then reap the rewards of your hard work.

What do you do to enhance your attitude?

Words Of Wisdom Still Ring True

Your parents likely tossed around cliches and their “words of wisdom” which, chances are, you didn’t pay much heed to. When I think back though, my parents were the first teachers I ever had and as I get older I realize that some of their words ring true in both my business and my personal life.

Here are a few of the old adages I remember:

  • If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. There is no denying that this should be true in your dealings with clients and people with whom you interact
  • You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Surround yourself with positive people and be positive yourself. Even when you’re having a bad day, try not to “share” it with others.
  • Everyone has something to contribute. While not every person in your organization is a good fit for every task that needs to be completed, chances are, every person on your team brings his or her own unique take to a project — tap into his unique talent.

Do you have any mottos or words of wisdom that you live by on a daily basis?

The Power Of Positive People

The power of positive thinking can’t be denied, but then neither can the power of surrounding yourself with positive people! I believe that positivity not only brings inner peace, but it leads you toward a path of success, enhances your health and happiness and helps you improve relationships with friends, family and business associates.

Here are some of my thoughts on the benefits of surrounding yourself (both personally and professionally) with positive people:

  • Just as bad moods are contagious, so too, are good moods! If you exude positive energy, those around you will pick up on that and it will surround you like a ray of sunshine. Project the attitude you would like to surround yourself with.
  • Positive thinking can also impact project outcomes. If you’re in the midst of a difficult task, but are thinking positively, the project will likely move along more smoothly and you’ll see a better outcome to your efforts!
  • Your inner dialogue affects your actions. When you’re working on a project tell yourself, “I can do this,” or “Even though this is trying, it is possible!” These words will help you power through your projects whether it’s writing a blog post, working on an accounting issue or preparing for a speech.

Here are some steps I take to boost my positivity every day:

  • I surround myself with people who feed me positive energy and I offer mine right back to them!
  • I read scripture or a passage of an inspirational (to me) book every day
  • I watch movies or listen to music that moves me toward happiness

What do you do to be positive for both yourself and those around you?


Do You Make Time For Yourself?

Entrepreneurs know that working long hours can lead to burnout. It doesn’t matter whether you work outside of the home, are self employed or commute to your home office, there comes a point in every day that you need to step away from the tasks at hand and take a mental health break and give your mental batteries time to recharge.

For many people, the idea of self care doesn’t figure into their every day work life and they feel selfish if they even give a thought to taking a few hours, let alone a weekend, off from work. Your mind and body will thank you though if you take a break. Remember, at the end of the day it’s your friends and family that should be your priority, not your career.

If there are days when you feel as though your life is spinning out of control it could be your brain’s way of telling you to take a breath, step back and reassess what’s happening. You need to learn to not always put others’ needs ahead of your own.

Maybe all you need to do is to take a step back and ask yourself whether you feel you not only need, but deserve a little time off. Do you think you’d be more productive once you’re done with your time away? Will taking a step back help bring joy back into your other everyday activities? What will you lose if you take a day or an hour off from work?

If you come up with answers to these questions and realize that stepping away for a short time won’t negatively impact your business and could positively impact your life, you’ll see that taking care of yourself should be a priority. Begin with baby steps – a 15-minute break here or 30-minutes there. Work your way up to the hours at a time, or a day or two off. Your physical and mental health will benefit when you make time for yourself.