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Coronavirus has meant many people are working from home. In this case, you’re wondering how to create compelling content when you’re working from home and might not have much interaction with the “outside world.” We understand. We have put together a checklist of ways you can stay in touch, create content and remain relevant.

Many people feel limited by the COVIS-19 shutdown, but you don’t have to!

How To Create Compelling Content When You’re Working From Home

Consider these strategies

  1. Find a new strategy. Because the world has changed, your thinking has to change. You need to try to embrace the changes that coronavirus has wrought and realize you can’t change the world, so you need to change your thinking. Don’t think about — I don’t have any way to be creative when I am stuck at home. In fact, think — It is a challenge I can overcome; creating content in lockdown. Consider that you might be the only link your audience has to the outside world.
  2. Create new content. How about a podcast? Ever thought of trying your hand at turning your blog posts into infographics? How about a video blog aka vlog? Go live on Facebook or Instagram. People are connecting with content in new and different ways and podcasts are HUGE.
  3. Use the proper tools. You don’t have to spend thousands on new technology — microphones, cameras, etc. — but you do want to have equipment that allows you to be seen and heard that makes you look and sound like a professional. Ask colleagues what equipment they are using and consider making the investment in yourself and your business.
  4. If you’re struggling to create new content — and we get it — repurpose your old content. Turn a blog post into a video or a podcast. Rewrite old content with a new spin.
  5. Ask for help. If you have a colleague or a business acquaintance in a different, but a complementary field, do a blog post trade-off. A benefit to guest posting — for both of you — is that your content and your business gets in front of a brand new audience and that is a win all day.

We know the coronavirus lockdown is causing stress and anxiety in many people and in many business owners. Connect with others via Zoom and have or host a virtual coffee hour or happy hour. Connecting with others will help you get through this odd time in our history.