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Being an entrepreneur can be stressful. Holidays can also be stressful. We have tips on how to ease holiday stress and entrepreneurs need to read these and implement them. Remember, if you own a business you are responsible for everything and every dollar that comes in and goes out — you need to stay healthy and in top shape.

If we’re honest with ourselves, the holidays are stressful without tossing being a business owner into the mix, right? It should be a time of friends, family and frivolity but it isn’t usually and we miss out. Don’t miss out this holiday season — on business or on your personal life.

For many entrepreneurs you have your business to run, family events to attend, shopping, end-of-year tasks that are sometimes more time consuming and draining than other tasks and then you probably have customer-centric events to host or attend. Whew!

How To Ease Holiday Stress

You can’t avoid stress, but you can address it and alleviate it. Here are our tips:

  1. Have a plan. Being spontaneous may be your usual M.O. but with so much more being on your plate during the holidays, take time to plan your days and your weeks. Also, plan for downtime and personal time.
  2. Don’t be among the 54% of all entrepreneurs who say they are extremely stressed during the holidays. If you’re feeling pulled into too many directions, prioritize where you truly need to be and go. Take a step back and just say “no.”
  3. Take time for yourself. In order to keep your business viable you need to be resilient and healthy. Unplug. Set an away message for your email and only check it a couple times a day. Turn off your phone when you’re eating dinner with your family or attending a holiday party.
  4. Don’t completely shutter the doors and tell yourself, “No one truly works this time of year.” Well, we bet your competition is working– they may be working fewer hours, but they’re still working.
  5. Start the year strong. If you let yourself do nothing in December or in these last couple weeks of the year you will begin the year feeling you’re behind and that is no way to kick off 2020.

What will you do to practice self-care this holiday season? We would love to know. Drop us a line in the comments below. If you’re struggling with stress, business planning and not reaching your goals, contact us. We can help.