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Emails make business communication quick and easy… sometimes. Email can lead to misunderstandings and some times it would be quicker to simply pick up the phone rather than send a dozen emails back and forth. How to write effective business emails is not something that all entrepreneurs understand how to do.

In the written word — whether text or email — there is no body language or nuance. What seems funny and may be funny when you’re face-to-face may not translate in the written word. In the business world, that is certainly something to consider.

How To Write Effective Business Emails

  1.  Use clear subject lines and calls to action. Go for a clear email subject AND note whether it requires a reply or if it is for informational purposes only. The subject line should be to the point.
  2. Use proper greetings. Depending on the formality or informality of the email message, address it appropriately — Dear John or Dear Mr. Smith, or simply, John. you should understand the nuances of whom you’re writing to. When in doubt be more formal until invited to be less formal.
  3. Keep the email short and full of purpose. Don’t ramble. If you need something from the individual to whom you’re writing ask for it and let them know the time frame in which you will need it.
  4. Be positive. If you need to have a tough conversation with an individual — do not do it through email. Also, critical emails may come back to bite you in the behind at some point in the future.
  5. Close the email with another call to action: call me if you want, looking forward to hearing from you, I’ll get back in touch next week.
  6. Do not use text shortcuts in emails — when you write a business email, you’re not likely writing to a peer or a family member. Leave the “TU” and the “BL8” out of your business correspondence.

Don’t send an email without first proofreading it and making certain it is going to the correct individual. How cognizant are you of the email you send and your email etiquette?