Make The Most Of Conference Attendance
As we prepare to attend Piscine Global in France, we get to thinking about how to make the most of any conference you're planning to attend, whether it's one in your own backyard or one on another continent. Here are our best tips for making the most of your...
Are Business Cards Dead?
Think back to the last networking event you attended. Did you walk away with a fistful of business cards? Did you hand out business cards to those you met? Even in today's electronic age, there are many venues in which your good, tried and true business card will be...
What Do You Focus On In Business?
Do you simply love the font on a brochure? Do you find yourself gazing at a flaw in the carpet that surrounds your office? Do you bemoan the fact that the wallpaper is downright ugly in your rented business space? If you find yourself focusing on these items, you are...
Be Methodical In Business Growth
As children, we jump into new experiences with both feet and with not much thought about what's going to happen -- will the roller coaster be too frightening, the swimming pool too deep, etc. As adults and business owners we know that it's best to have a bit of...
Are You ‘Toxic’ In Your Perfection?
Are you perfect? Do you strive to be perfect? Do you find it exhausting? While you don't want to put forth shoddy goods or services, you do need to let go of perfection if you're looking for happiness and satisfaction in both your business and your life. What can you...
5 Ways To Set Achievable Goals
If you don't know where you're going any road will get you there. I'll bet you've heard that saying before. It may sound cliche, but in business it's true. If you don't set goals how will you know if you're meeting them? How will you know when you've achieved success...
Cash Isn’t Always King When Motivating Employees
In a cash-strapped economy, many business owners may be wondering how they can keep good employees and even attract new if they don't have the cash to provide them with monetary bonuses. There are other items that your staff will enjoy because remember, money isn't...
Transformational Exponentialism
I know, "exponentialism" is not a word, but maybe it should be. We have entered a time in history that will be looked back upon as a great time of upheaval and transformation. It is a time of exponential growth in technology that is making obsolete entire industries...
Understanding Your Management Style
If you were asked, "What kind of manager are you?" Would you know the answer? Would you say, "I'm a great one!" If so, kudos, but what makes you a "great one?" During my coaching sessions with business owners, I try to uncover their unique management aka leadership...
Put On Your Public Speaking Hat
I've been doing quite a bit of public speaking lately -- in addition to attending many networking events and seminars. I find that some of the individuals are fantastic speakers while others are clearly nervous. What is the differentiator? I believe it's in the...