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Do you wake up in the morning looking forward to your day – both at home and at the office? You should. If you’re living a life of purpose and pursuing a career or entrepreneurial endeavor that you love, happiness will certainly follow.

It’s been shown that humans are at their happiest when they’re “absorbed in an activity or challenge that interests them.” For many people though, they don’t even realize they’re happy because they’re so involved in that particular moment that it never occurs to them simply because they weren’t consciously concentrating on happiness.

Happiness is something that everyone can work toward achieving. It may sound cliché but the decision to be happy is truly that – a decision. If you choose to be happy, chances are, that feeling will follow.

Here are some ways to pursue happiness and bring it into your work and home life:

  • The first thing you need to do when you wake up is to mentally count out at least 10 things that you appreciate. Write them down if it will help you remember them throughout the day. Do the same thing at the end of each day – count your blessings.
  • Do more of the things you love – in life and at work
  • Do fewer of the things that you don’t love. For example, if you are an entrepreneur and there are tasks that you simply don’t enjoy, aren’t good at and don’t help bring in business and clients, find a partner or outsource those tasks. This frees you up to concentrate on your core competencies and the things that make you happy
  • Take time during the day to ask yourself if you’re happy? If you’re not, stop and consider how you can become happy and if you are happy in that moment, remember what you were doing and do more of it!
  • Even on those days when you’re stressed out because you have too much work to do. Stop and remember that is a blessing as well – you’re doing what you love and the clients are following!

Taking time to revel in the moments that make you smile will truly make your day shine and will give you more items to be appreciative of at the end of each work day.