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Rex Richard of Peak Dynamics has been quoted as saying, “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, knowledge, or skill, but rather a lack of will…” Willpower in work and life matters and there are ways to “get more” willpower. We’ve been told that our willpower is a limited resource and we only have so much of it to work with every day.

We know that willpower or lack of willpower comes when your self-control is ebbing and when you’re emotionally and mentally exhausted.

Can you improve or regain willpower and self-control? Yes!

Willpower In Work And Life

Rex Richard has compiled his top three ways to improve your willpower in work and in life

Know your triggers. What makes you lose self-control? Stress? Boredom? Because your self-control is limited and you deplete it daily, you need to save some or bank some for later in the day when you may need it most. If you know you have a challenging day or event ahead — or at the end of the day — you need to “save” your self-control until then. For example, if you’re hungry or angry or bored, don’t grocery shop — this is especially true if food is your trigger.

Keep yourself out of tempting or stressful situations if you simply don’t have the reserves to control yourself or harness your willpower.

Strengthen your willpower through exercising it. Willpower and self-control are muscles and the more you work it, the stronger it will be. What can you do to improve your willpower and self-control and find reserves of it when you need it? These may seem odd, but they work.

  1. Watch a movie that makes you cry and don’t let yourself shed a tear
  2. Watch a movie that always makes you laugh, but don’t laugh
  3. Solve a hard puzzle — crossword, Soduko or others
  4. Control your emotions when you’re in a situation that tries your willpower. Shop when you’re hungry and resist the urge to stock up on junk food

Drink juice. Whip up a green drink (kale, spinach, fruit juice). The glucose in the fruit juice will help restore your brain and get you back in balance and in control. Feeding your brain can strengthen your willpower and self-control.

Keep in mind that willpower can be depleted. It is your job to increase it and work to conserve it for when you truly need to put it forth. Reach out to Rex Richard of Peak Dynamics and ask for a free consulation on your social media and ask about self control and willpower.