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3 Tips For Getting Your Business Found

3 Tips For Getting Your Business Found

Do you ever wonder how your competition “gets found”? Do you ever assume that in order to “get found” you need to have deep pockets and a locationmajor advertising and promotions budget? While having a large budget may help, if you’re not trying to be found in places that make sense for you and that are natural for your clients to seek you out you will be spinning your wheels and spending money needlessly.

Here are my three top tips for helping your business be front of mind and top of search:

  1. Build a local search profile. Grab your Google location, add your business to Yelp or even Yahoo Local and Bing Places. Make sure the information is accurate and that your profile is complete. Use keywords for the goods and services you provide as well as your business summary, contact information, photos and business biography.
  2. Ask current clients for reviews that they will post on your local profiles. Having reviews posted are extremely important to not only getting found, but to building the credibility of your business.
  3. The more complete your profile, the more highly searchable your business will be. Add a photo of the business owners, make sure there is an address and a phone number. If you’re a virtual business there are many ways you can get a business address whether it’s a post office box or an office share situation. Search engines take notice if you have a complete business profile with your key words. Make certain you update the profile when changes are made.

What steps have you taken to help your business get found locally? Have they worked?

What Do You Focus On In Business?

What Do You Focus On In Business?

Do you simply love the font on a brochure? Do you find yourself gazing at a flaw in the carpet that surrounds your office? Do you bemoan the fact that the wallpaper is downright ugly in your rented business space? If you find yourself  focusing on these items, you are not focusing on the important items in your business.

You need to focus on the important, not the “ugly wallpaper.” Why? Because your clients are focusing on the goods and services you provide them, not the ugly wallpaper. When a client makes a decision to work with you he or she is making that decision based on your reputation, your mission or vision statement, your ethical standing and the costs of the goods and services you provide. Those are the items you, as the business owner, need to focus on as well.


What are the important items in your business? They include:

  • The staff you hire
  • Your business budget
  • The way you market yourself and your business
  • The benefits your products and services provide
  • Forward-thinking growth aspects

As was famously penned, “don’t sweat the small stuff” ie your surroundings, instead look at the big picture and focus on the business goals you’d set for yourself and not the ugly wallpaper.

Be Methodical In Business Growth

Be Methodical In Business Growth

As children, we jump into new experiences with both feet and with not much thought about what’s going to happen — will the roller coaster be too frightening, the swimming pool too deep, etc. As adults and business owners we know that it’s best to have a bit of caution before we go plowing blithely forward.

As a business owner you will be planning for strategic growth and it is a plan that needs to occur at the right time and for the right reasons. If you don’t implement steps for methodical business growth you could expand too quickly or you could expand your business offerings too rapidly and not have the support staff or the resources to fully carry them to fruition.

Here are some decisions you need to make if your company is teetering on the edge of business growth:

  1. Why is now the time for growth?
  2. How much should we, can we, grow?
  3. How will we grow? Online? Physical storefront?
  4. Can we afford to grow?
  5. Do we have the right people in the right places to support our projected growth?

Ask yourself these questions, talk them over with your team, then jump into business growth with both feet!

Are You ‘Toxic’ In Your Perfection?

Are You ‘Toxic’ In Your Perfection?

Are you perfect? Do you strive to be perfect? Do you find it exhausting? While you don’t want to put forth shoddy goods or services, you do need to let go of perfection if you’re looking for happiness and satisfaction in both your business and your life.

What can you do to be less perfectly toxic? Here are three habits and behaviors I encourage you to let go of:

  1. Being competent and experienced is more crucial to success than is being perfect. If you’re a business owner you can drive your team away if you are constantly trying to be perfect rather than competent. While competency may not be the key to all your successes, perfection can certainly hold you back.  To be effective as a leader, you will want to instill confidence in your team and you do that through the experience you bring to the table.
  2. Does not having all the answers mean you are a failure in business? It doesn’t. It means you are able to admit that you don’t know everything and that you will look for the answers. No one expects you — even as the business owner — to know everything. They do, however, expect you to be able to find the answers to the questions asked.
  3. If you’re perfect do you think you will be more successful? Chances are, you won’t because you will be in such heavy pursuit of perfection that your goals will fall by the wayside. Failures in business should be counted as learning and growth experiences — if you don’t fail that means you haven’t stretched yourself or tried anything new. Striving for success means you may stumble along the way and that’s all right!

Do you have any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from success?


5 Ways To Set Achievable Goals

5 Ways To Set Achievable Goals

If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there. I’ll bet you’ve heard that saying before. It may sound cliche, but in business it’s true. If you don’t set goals how will you know if you’re meeting them? How will you know when you’ve achieved success if you don’t know what “success” looks like to you?

Here are my top five tips for setting achievable goals for your business, keep in mind though that there is no one size fits all for goal setting:

  1. What is your business’s purpose? Knowing this will help you set goals to achieve its overall purpose aka mission and vision.
  2. Will your goal help you to grow as a person? Setting goals that keep you well within your comfort zone don’t allow you to grow or change as a person. Gaining knowledge and being a lifelong learner keeps you fresh and your skills current. Don’t let lack of current skills mean the competition is taking away your client base.
  3. Will achieving the goals you’ve set help you with your personal satisfaction? At the end of the day, if you don’t love what you’re doing and if you don’t feel you’re making a difference, you will be working for an empty goal. Set goals that not only enhance your business but your self of self worth.
  4. Will your goal change the world? I don’t necessarily mean the entire world, but your portion of it. Does the goal you set and the business service you provide enhance or enrich the lives of those with whom you interact? What can you do to change your corner of the world?
  5. Is your goal tied to monetary levels of success? If so, what are they? Are you meeting them? Are you exceeding them? Are the goals you set pushing you out of your comfort zone? Do you want to go from making five figures this year to six or seven figures? What can you do today to make it happen?

How often do you set goals and how often do you check back in on them to make sure you’re on track?