Do you keep to yourself at networking events? Do you find it difficult to “toot your own horn” and share your accomplishments with peers? If you said yes to either, you need to work on ways to boost your business confidence. Walking into a meeting with a confident swagger and a firm handshake will not only make you appear confident but could instill confidence in a potential client and make them want to work with you!
How can you boost your confidence? Here are some tips:
Know what your area of expertise is and own it. Success isn’t just because you’re in the right place at the right time (yes, for some it might be, but for most it’s hard work that elevates us).
You don’t have to be perfect. If you offer a deliverable to a client and he asks for a tweak or two that doesn’t mean he didn’t like what your proffered, it just meant he wanted a tweak.
It’s all right to be afraid. We all get nervous on occasion and that’s fine. That’s normal. The most confident of people do something that scares them every week. Why? Because they challenge themselves. They aren’t complacent. Embrace the fear and conquer it.
If you find that you’re not confident on a product or service that you’re offering, take a step back and figure out why. Do you need more information or training? Reach out and get it. There is no reason you can’t take an online course to bump up your skills.
Make certain the goals you set are achievable. Yes, it’s good to push yourself, but if you’re pushing beyond a limit of what you can ever hope to achieve or accomplish, scale them back. Don’t coast, but set goals you can meet.
What holds you back from being the most confident business person you can be?
Do you ever wish you had more than 168 hours in a week? There are times that all entrepreneurs feel that way. I know I do on occasion. I know, though, that I have to not only work within the 168 hours allotted weekly,but I need to make time for friends, family and a life. How do I get it all done?
Here are my productivity tips for entrepreneurs who want to “have it all:”
Set goals. Write a to-do list for your daily goals as well as your weekly, monthly and annual goals. You may find it easier to break all of your goals down — especially the weekly, monthly and annual ones into manageable chunks.
Don’t let yourself get distracted by email interruptions. Turn off alerts and don’t check your social media when you have a project that you’re working on. Multi-tasking can kill productivity.
Take care of yourself and value your time. Don’t let friends, family or colleagues draw you away from the task at hand. Tell them, firmly, but nicely, “I’d love to do XYZ as soon a I finish this project. Can you give me a couple of hours?” Chances are they will appreciate your honesty and respect your dedication.
Rituals matter. Have a morning ritual that gets you ready for the workday ahead and set a ritual for the end of the day. These two rituals will get you in the correct frame of mind for the day ahead.
Take a break. You can only focus for so long on a project. Give yourself permission to get up every hour and talk a brief walk. Do some jumping jacks. Take the dog for a walk or grab a snack. Getting up and moving around will refresh you and make getting back to the task at hand much easier.
Where do you do your work? Do you work at a fully appointed, plush desk with a leather upholstered chair? Do you toil away at the kitchen table? Is your car your office? Do you feel that where ever you and your laptop are, that is your office? I’ve found that in business your workspace matters. While you don’t need to have a lush office space with a personal assistant answering the phone for you, you do need to have a space to call your own, a space that says, “I am working right now” when you’re in it.
How can you set up your workspace for success? Here are some items to consider:
Where ever you call your workspace it should make you feel like a professional — yes, even if you’re working at the corner of the kitchen table while the family is at work. Claim that space, make it your own and be professional!
No matter what space you call your office, you should have a comfortable chair and a keyboard, mouse and computer that allow you to work effectively and efficiently. Your health matters and because of that you should have an office space that enhances your health. A rickety outdoor poolside chair is not conducive to a healthy or productive workday. Even if you don’t have an office outside of the home, that doesn’t mean the space where you work isn’t set up for success and that you have the tools you need.
Where do you meet potential clients? Is there a co-office space in your area of the country that you could rent out on occasion when you need to meet clients? You don’t want to have clients coming to your home, wading through your children’s toys and dealing with your pets. Remember, first impressions count. Even if you can’t find a co-office space, many business professionals are accustomed to “coffee shop meetings” and you can tell a potential client that is where you prefer to meet and they likely won’t blink an eye.
In addition to having a space to call your own, I believe you should dress for success — even if you’re working in your living room. I feel that dressing professionally will help you project that aura when you’re on the phone with a client.
Share with me what your workspace is like and how it works for you.
Do you wake up in the morning excited about going to the office? Do you love being your own boss? If the luster has worn off a bit, believe me, I understand. I work with clients regularly who just don’t love their businesses as much as they used to and that’s a shame! Here are my three top tips for falling back in love with your business:
Think back to when you started and write down what you loved about your business then. What was the original idea? Are you still on track with that? Has something derailed you? If so, what? Can you get back on track?
Have your personal goals changed? If, in the beginning, your personal and professional goals were aligned, but now things have shifted you should take some time to reevaluate where the two have diverged and why? Believe me, personal growth is nothing to fret about — in fact it’s healthy. It just might be that your priorities have shifted and perhaps your business needs to shift to stay aligned with personal and life goals.
Who are your role models or mentors? Are they on track? Can they offer you the chance to talk and help see why you aren’t in love with the business any longer and how to reignite your passion. If you don’t have a mentor or role model you may need to talk with a business coach and rework your business plan.
Have you fallen out of love with your business? Do you want to fall back in love? We can help! If you have rediscovered your passion we’d love to know how you did it!
The idea of business growth is great, right? Yes and no. It’s great if you’re ready for it, but what if you’re not? What if you get so much new business that you simply can’t handle it on your own? You don’t want to try and build a team in the midst of a growth spurt — it’s too hard to assure you’re getting the best talent when you’re under the gun.
Don’t let growing pains plague your business. Here is how you can prepare:
Have strategies in place for growth. This means, when you’re putting your business plan together you need to take growth into consideration. If you have employees on site and have to hire more will you have the space for them? This is a consideration not all business owners plan for.
What will growth cost you? By that I mean, will the number of new clients you’re bringing in be enough to offset the cost of new staff?
Do you have enough people in place, right now, to handle growth? If you don’t, where will you find them and how quickly can you get them up to speed?
Will a growth spurt change our company culture or the way you deliver products or services?
Growth is what all entrepreneurs strive for, but it doesn’t typically happen without growth pains. Plan ahead and you can minimize the pain.
Email management or lack thereof is sometimes the bane of the business owner’s existence. Email is an ideal form of communication and in some cases can save a lot of time and back and forth on the telephone. Email is also an ideal way to have a history of project timelines and tasks.
Here are tips for taming your email inbox:
Set aside time a couple of times a day to go through your inbox. Don’t get distracted by incoming messages while you’re working on something else.
Delete emails you’re done with. If there are those that go back and forth, keep only the latest one.
The subject line should match the content of the message.
Only “handle” an email once. If you’re reading it, then respond to it. Don’t file emails until you have responded to them.
Don’t use “reply all” messages unless it truly is necessary for everyone to reply.