Recent Notes From Rex
Are You Smart About Tech For Your Business?
Are You Smart About Tech For Your Business? Tech can be our friend or tech can be a bane of your business's existence. Whether you're bogged down in email or...
How To Take Your Business To The Next Level
It's so exciting when you start a business. You're enthusiastic. You're pumped about everything you do and everyone you talk with. What happens, though when...
Should you rebrand?
Just as people change and grow, so too does your business. Where you were ten, five, or even two years ago may not be where you are now. You and your business...
How to set up a successful home office
Working from home. It sounds like a dream! You can stay in your pajamas, have meetings in bed and generally be relaxed, right? Well, maybe. Many entrepreneurs...
Surround Yourself With Positivity
Surround yourself with positivity. It makes sense, but do you do that? Our parents told us at one point, "the company you keep says a lot about your...
How To Take A Side Hustle To Full-Fledged Business
Whether you're a Baby Boomer, someone nearing or in retirement, or someone who simply wants to own his or her own business, chances are you have heard of the...
Small Business Secrets
Ssshhhh we have some small business secrets to share. Okay, they aren't actually secrets, they are more like best practices that entrepreneurs should consider...