Recent Notes From Rex
How To Make Sound Business Decisions
How to make sound business decisions is a question many coaches get asked by their coaching clients regularly. Making sound business decisions sometimes stops...
What is your personal brand?
When you meet someone do you form a first impression? Of course you do. We all do. When someone meets you, what do you think they see? What is your personal...
How To Set Yourself Apart From Amazon
Amazon is being blamed for the demise of many brick and mortar stores, but still there are many brick and mortars that are opening their doors and others that...
Goal Setting For The Second Quarter
It's hard to believe that the first quarter of 2018 has just wrapped up. Did you meet the goals you'd set? Are you ready for goal setting for the second...
Do You Run Your Business From A Coffee Shop?
Do You Run Your Business From A Coffee Shop? Do you know there are rules of etiquette that should be followed if you're doing that? Why? Because, just as you...
Making Your Business Dream A Reality
Making your business dream a reality may be something that you've been struggling with. How do you take the leap of faith in yourself and go from employee to...
Is Your Business Idea Viable?
You've got a great idea! In fact you may be full of great business ideas but have you ever wondered, "Is your business idea viable?" Many of us can brainstorm...