Recent Notes From Rex
How To Finish 2019 Strong
As the holidays come barreling toward us, it's easy to lose focus and just slide. You may close the office early, take days off, not prospect for new clients,...
Mindset Matters For Entrepreneurs
Mindset matters for entrepreneurs and it can literally lead to your success or your failure. If you think you can, you probably will. If you think you can't,...
5 Ways To Make Your Blog Work For You
What has your blog done for you lately? It's not enough to have a blog, you need to have a blog that converts and draws in readers. We have 5 ways to make...
How To Write Effective Business Emails
Emails make business communication quick and easy... sometimes. Email can lead to misunderstandings and some times it would be quicker to simply pick up the...
How To Deliver On The Promise Of Your Newsletter
The last thing a business owner wants to do is to trick the subscribers to his or her newsletter. If you have been invited into an inbox, you need to know how...
How To Build An Effective Business Blog
How many blog posts have you written, or had written, for your blog? Are you seeing conversions from the blogging? Are your numbers going up and showing a...
How To Communicate More Effectively
When you're talking to your potential clients, to current clients or even to your family are they hearing what you have to say? Are you listening to what they...