Recent Notes From Rex

7 Tips For Business Growth
We have put together tips for business owners who are looking for higher growth and satisfaction in their endeavors. These 7 tips for business growth could...

Are You A Solopreneur Or An Entrepreneur?
Have you ever wondered what to call yourself when you’re at a networking event? Are you a solopreneur or an entrepreneur? There are subtle differences, but...

5 Ways To Relieve Stress
Ooommmmm. Whether chanting or mantras or yoga are ways you relieve stress or if you need a brisk run or a long back, we have 5 ways to relieve stress....

Do you have a toxic personality?
Do your friends, family and your employees shy away from you? Is it hard for you to have a conversation with a staff member without them thinking, "what did I...

3 Tips To Move Your Business Forward
Do you ever feel like no matter what you're doing, you're just not moving the needle to keep your business growing? You may have heard dieters say they have...

How To Make Remote Work Viable
If the pandemic taught business owners anything it's that much of their work can be done remotely and their staff -- many of them -- would prefer to continue...

Do Your Customers Feel Appreciated?
There is no denying it. Customer service is horrible. The pandemic certainly had something to do with and we honestly think that friendliness has gone by the...