Recent Notes From Rex
How To Be An Effective Remote Worker
Now that you're a remote employee, a work from home individual, how much do you enjoy it? Some people truly do not function well on their own; they enjoy the...
Why Customer Service Matters More Now
Coronavirus has brought about many changes in the business world. Many businesses won't survive the pandemic and the forced closure of their businesses and...
How To Manage Multiple Projects
As an entrepreneur, there are days when you’re juggling so many balls that you just don’t know which ball to keep from hitting the ground. What is an...
Use Coronavirus Shut Down As A Way To Grow
Yes, the coronavirus pandemic and shut down of many states and businesses such as restaurants has caused many to struggle. You can use coronavirus shut down...
How To Work Effectively From Home
Coronavirus has brought about many changes for many people. One of those changes is a switch from working in an office to working from a home office. Many...
How To Be Productive Working From Home
Are you new to working from home? Has the coronavirus pandemic lead to this switch in your workday from the office or your comfortable cubicle to trying to...
Host Networking Meetings Online During Coronavirus Shut Down
Coronavirus is leading to the shut down of many businesses not deemed “essential.” If you’re now working remotely and if you want to find a way to keep in...